Chinese new year first day,We got up vary late,We went to pu-chu zen center to see our master.
So We went to eat lunch at just the noon.We ate the lunch in vegetable foods restaurant.
They decided the foods they want.
Which food did they like?It is a million question.You see that picture U know.Because We have had these vegetable foods too many times!
We had salad foods before the lunch.
My children's mother drank a cup of tea and said a lot of home's thing.My children was gotten monday blue by their mother.
At last,The waiter took lunch out from kitchen
My wife and I ate the noodles food,but my children didn't like to have that at that time.Because that was the cheapest foods.
The coffee time is arrive after the lunch
My daughter was cheerful when she was drinking.
She felt that: she was the luckest daughter in the world this time.
My son drank a cup of fruit juice.
I drove my car around the Taipei city street afternoon.Because we didn't have any idea,So We went to Taipei too whatever.
Last trip seat is North throws.We have eaten the dinner and wished a hot spring before return home.
That dinner was very sumptuous.
It was my vegeteble foods.
They didn't eat only vegeteble foods.because this time was chinese new year first day!They wanted to eat other foods.I always am an open-minded man so I didn't care they to eat other foods.
So I feel that: My nuclear family is been the best cheerful in the world.My children is luck,because They are had love by their parents.
I took out my new telephoto lens Nikon 70-200mm F2.8G VR II to take some picture,That Lens is vary expensive,I paid just eighty thousand NT dolls to buy that lens,but that lens is best telephoto lens.Because it take any picture very sharp.U see that U know.
If my son see the picture,He will say too sharp!Because his face get too many pock.
We ate dinner in here.
My family have only one day's reunion,Because I went to be zen until next monday after this day.
If you want to see a lot of large picture,You can click right website link:Our chinese new year first day's diary