My extended family reunion is ate a lunch in JAN 23TH.
I took my daughter out to go to HSINCHU by the high-speed train.
This picture is I took a picture for my daughter in Hsinchu station of high-speed train .
This time's family reunion is visited and eating there.
Everybody also saw manu and decided the which food they want.But I was very busy that about take a picture right at that time.
My mother is vary happy.She likes all family reunion.
This was our food,you see!
Everyone ate the food very nice!They're my 2 young brother , my mother,my the youngest brother's daughter,my daughter in the picture.
My daughter played my iphone then.My the youngest brother's daughter just near be my daughter to help her to play the iphone .
This picture is my youngest brother and his daughter after We have had the lunch.
We already have had our lunch.I took a picture for all body in frot of this restaurant.But my wife and my son didn't visit this lunch,Because they're very busy!and my the youngest sister-in-law also worked her job too busy in Shanghai.