A:Hello! I'm Phil! 哈囉!我是Phil!
B:哈囉 !我是Kenny Huang,很高興見到你!歡迎來到我們公司,請拿個位置!
Hello!I'm Kenny Huang,Nice to meet you!Welcome to our company!Please take a seat!
B:現在,告訴我 哪裡你曾去的學校?
Now,tell me Where you went to school?
A:Taipei University! 台北大學
What did you major in?
A:Interational Trade. 國際貿易
What other jobs have you had already?
A:I've worked for a small trading company for the last 4 years.and I worked for a bigger one for 3 years before that.我有工作於一家小貿易公司約這之前4年,以及我曾工作於 一家大公司 約3年 更前 那個
B:告訴我 ,為何你要這工作?
Tell me,Why do you want the job?
A:Because the salary is very good.因為這薪水是非常好
Why do you want to work in a foreign company?
A:Because I want to prectice my english.因為我想要鍛鍊我的英文
What other languages do you speak?
A:I can speak a little Japanese and my french is ok! 我會說一點日語 及 我的法語是OK
What skills do you think you can bring to our company?
A:I can make a good cup of coffee,and I keep my desk really tidy.我會做一手好杯的咖啡,並且 我keep我的桌子非常整齊
What do you think are your personal strength?
A:I get along well with my colleagues,and I work well under pressure,also I'm well organized and good at meeting deadlines.我一向很好與我的同事們,以及我工作很好低壓力,並且我是很好安排與善於開會到截止
B:假如你開始這工作,能你看任何困擾問題 你有時有於工作?
If you start the job,can you see any possible problems you might have at work?
A:Well,If the lunch break is too sort of,I won't be able to have my usual midday nap.很好,假如這午餐回去是太短,我不能產生有我經常的午睡
What salary renge are you expecting?
A:Somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000 a month.ㄧ些空間介於50千跟60千 ㄧ個月
Are you willing work overtime sometimes-say in evening and saturday afternoon?
When are you available to begin the job?
OK!That's all questions I have.Now,do you have any questions about the job?
A:Oh!Yes!I do.If I get the job,would there be any short training course before I began?渥!我有!假如我得到這工作 請問那裏be任何短的訓練課程之前於我開始?
No formal one,but there is good in-the-job training advice given.
A:What chances are there for advencement in your company? 什麼機會是那裡於發展於你的公司?
The chances for promotion are very good for right person.
A:What would my main duties and responsilibilities be? 什麼要我主要 負責 跟 義務 做?
B:我們能討論更充分晚點,但是我們是觀察於一些個人 誰能負責於所有區塊的進口
We can discuss more fully later,but we 're looking for someone who can reponsible for all areas of importing.
A:OK!What are the usual office hours? OK!什麼是這通常辦公時數?
B:通常 9到5,但是有時完成有點晚
Normally 9 to 5,but sometimes finish a little later.
A:What is the usual starting pay? 什麼是這通常起薪?
For someone with your experience,about 60,000
A:Would I be paid overtimes,and if I was,how much? 可以我做付出加班,以及我是,多少?
B:必須工作者 這裡 得到時間 以及 一半 或 雙倍時薪對於加班工作,但是 你是ON 固定薪資,所以我們調整給你更多的年終獎金
Most worker here get time and a half or double time of overtime work,but you be on fixed salary,so we'd just give you more end-of-years bonus.
A:Does the job require any travel? 這工作需要任何旅行?
B:是的,有時出國於購買旅行,但是不是非常經常,OK.謝謝來到.我們有非常的興趣於in有你for我們,我調整需要討論它 跟 我的同事們 最開始 及 我們將聯絡你in要幾天,假如那是ok
Yes.Sometimes oversea on buying trip,but not very ofter.OK.Thanks for come in.We have very interested in having you for us,I just need discuss it with my colleagues first,and we'll contact you in few days,if that's ok!
A:Sure,that is fine,nice meeting you,bye